Interview Questions About Pulmonary Diseases
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It is a pleasure to present the first edition of Interview Questions About Pulmonary Disease, which provides current scientific information for clinicians to aid them in the diagnosis and treatment of common lung diseases. Medical education has been historically characterized by a master-apprentice relationship, since there are some points for young physicians that cannot be learned from books or lectures alone; it is essential for them to acquire skills from experienced clinicians to be able to concentrate on the clinical side of the medicine. In this line, this book was prepared to summarize the important practical and theoretical sides of the pulmonary diseases for students, residents, interns, and other practitioners, who need information about common pulmonary diseases. It is in a question-answer format that are often asked in clinical visits or oral exams that every pulmonologist should closely follow, instead of administering basic knowledge from textbooks alone. About each pulmonary disease, the book includes cornerstone information that the readers would like to have had when they started to have their specialist training. We hope any physician or student will find the book as a useful tool to seek and comprehend the management of pulmonary diseases.This book has been written largely by specialists in Pulmonary Diseases, whom have great experience in their fields and give lectures in different universities, with an academic career. Great efforts have been made to review the literature in depth by each author. Each was given the freedom to express their experiences and observations about the disease diagnosis and management.
- 9786257146562
- Ankara Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri
- 2021
- Ayşe Baççıoğlu
- Genel Cerrahi
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