Current Approaches And Treatments İn Pediatrics

9786257146609 2021
Basılı Fiyatı:
1.600,00 TL
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Child health and diseases is an important science with a wide variety of subjects. Renewed treatment protocols and approaches are getting attention day by day. In our book, we prepared for publishing life without a uniform approach by dealing with the most up-to-date and important issues, not all subjects. I want to thank all the authors who showed the necessary dedication in preparing our book.Especially in social pediatrics, Prof. Dr. Sevgi Başkan; Prof. Dr. Betül Ulukol and Prof. Dr. Filiz Şimşek I pay my respects to teachers. My brother, Professor Dr. Aydın çifci, I thank very much and present my love. He did not spare his efforts and supported the preparation and creation of the book in all circumstances. My beloved family did not hesitate to support me by teaming up with my wife and children at such times. I also convey my infinite love to them.

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Current Approaches And Treatments İn Pediatrics