General Surgery Handbook Of Colon Rectum

9786257146456 2021
Basılı Fiyatı:
2.190,00 TL
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I dedicate the book to my old institution, Ankara Numune Hospital, where you spent most of my education.The concept behind the book'General Surgery / The Handbook of Colon & Rectum'is to provide a resource that will be available at any time to residents, fellows and attending staffs interested in this field. The purpose of the book was to bring together experts in many branches that work specifically for colon, rectum and anus diseases. In addition to colorectal surgeons, gastroenterologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, urologists and gynecologists have contributed. Thus, we aimed to a holistic study.In this age when information requires quick updates, we prepared a book that will be up to date all the time and can be easily reachable. We aimed to provide satisfactory information with short notes without overwhelming the readers with much detail.

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General Surgery Handbook Of Colon Rectum