The Effects Of Working On Adolescent Development
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- DRM Koşulları
Although the impact of a number of social and psychological effects, such as family,
school environment and peers, on adolescents’ self and identity development have been
extensively investigated, the role of working on adolescent development has remained
largely unexamined. The purpose of the present study was to compare working
adolescents and nonworking-students on ego identity-status, self-image, psychological
well being and parenting styles. The participants of the study were 199 working
adolescents and 292 students from four different high schools and state occupational
courses for adolescents. The data were gathered by administering five instruments; the
Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status, the Offer Self Image Questionnaire,
the Brief Symptom Inventory, the Parenting Styles Questionnaire, and the Demographic
Information Form. A series two way analysis of covariance was conducted to assess the
differences between working and student adolescents. The findings of this study partially
supported the hypothesis. Results indicated that working adolescent reported higher
levels of interpersonal and ideological ego identity status especially foreclosure, than
students holding constant the age and family income of the participants. In seven
subscales of Ego Identity Status, the working adolescent obtained significantly higher
scores than the students. Working adolescents, compare to the students, were found to be
lower on various domains of self-image such as, family relationship, impulse control and
sexual attitude. Finally, working adolescents reported higher levels of somatization,
depression, and anxiety and perceived more parental control than the students. The results
were discussed within the context of the relevant literature.
- Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Eyyüp Özkamalı
- 9786057523709
- Vizetek Yayıncılık
- 2021
- Eğitim
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