Skeletal Sexing Stadards Of Human Remains İn Turke

1. Baskı
9786257090247 2020
Basılı Fiyatı:
250,00 TL
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1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. General Overview 1.2. Research Aims and Objectives 2. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY 2.1. The Discipline of Forensic Anthropology 2.2. The Role of Forensic Anthropology 2.3. History and Development0 2.4. Forensic Anthropology in Turkey 3. THEORY OF SKELETAL SEX IN FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY 3.1. Personal Identification 3.2. Sexual Dimorphism 3.3. Sex Assessment 4. FEMUR 4.1. Anatomy of the Femur 4.2. Sexual Dimorphism in the Femur 4.3. Sex assessment Methods on the Femur 4.4. Early Descriptive Research on the Femur 5. COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (CT) 5.1. Background of Computed Tomography (CT) 5.2. History and Role of CT Imaging in Biological Profiling 5.3. Validation Study 6. MATERIALS AND METHODS 6.1. Validation Study 6.2. Comparison of three image processing techniques 6.3. Main Study 7. RESULTS 7.1. Validation study Results 7.2. Comparison of three imaging techniques 7.3. Left and Right Side Differences 7.4. Intra-Observer Error 7.5. Main Study 8. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 8.1. Discussion 8.2. Limitations 8.3. Conclusion

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Skeletal Sexing Stadards Of Human Remains İn Turke