Informatics And Technology Transfer: Bridging Innovation And Implementation

1. Baskı
9786256140646 2024
Basılı Fiyatı:
112,00 TL
Bu kitabı kirala, %65 tasarruf et!
  • Özet
  • Künye
  • DRM Koşulları
Technology transfer consists of the following successive processes: following the technological developments in the world, knowledge, skills, machinery, selecting technologies such as products, services, etc., importing the selected technologies into the country, adapting the imported technologies to national conditions and needs and starting production, developing and disseminating the technology. Therefore, technology transfer involves understanding, adapting, developing, and diffusing acquired technologies. This book includes case studies related to technology transfer in the field of information and communication technologies as well as the sections on the importance of technology transfer in this field. I hope this resource will be beneficial to the reader.

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Informatics And Technology Transfer: Bridging Innovation And Implementation