Developments In Financial And Economic Fields At The National And Global Scale

9786258413229 2022
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110,00 TL
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  • Özet
  • Künye
  • DRM Koşulları
The most important purpose of economics is to meet the needs of humanity. These needs are revealed by social life. The economy is based on the production and distribution of what people produce in order to maintain their existence, and it is the whole of relations arising from all these activities. At this point, when individuals engage in economic activity, a limited environment is affected by the results of the individuals themselves and their economic relations, while economic policies have an impact on a large society.

Bu kitap aşağıdaki Dijital Hak Yönetimi (DRM) Koşullarıyla belirlenen süre için kullanılabilmektedir:

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  • Altını Çizme, Not Alma, Seçili Alanları Vurgulama Özellikleri Sunulmaktadır
  • Sistem tarafından verilen kullanıcı numarası filigran olarak her sayfada görüntülenecektir
Developments In Financial And Economic Fields At The National And Global Scale