Chat Gpt İn Foreign Language Education And Translation Studies
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336,00 TL
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- DRM Koşulları
Although artificial intelligence (AI) is not a new field of study, recent research and technological developments have brought it to the forefront in almost every walk of life, including but not limited to, marketing, healthcare, industry, e-commerce, social media and education. Similarly, conversational agents and chatbots have been around for a long time in the twenty-first century, yet quite recently, some awe-inspiring tools in this area have been introduced. Being one of these innovative tools, ChatGPT is able to assume a variety of roles: It can respond to queries, generate text that resembles human language, write codes, solve problems or puzzles, and make recommendations, among others. Through iterative prompting, users can fine-tune ChatGPT’s responses to get the most useful answers. Due to the extensive variety of roles that it can assume, ChatGPT has enormous potential for education as well. Educators use this tool as an aid to designing lesson plans, preparing instructional materials or assessment tools. This volume begins with an overview of ChatGPT and goes on to elaborate on its use in language instruction and translation studies.
- Hakan Demiröz, Saadet Korucu Kış, Yusuf Emre Yeşilyurt, İsmail Çakır, Aysel Sarıcaoğlu Aygan, Ahmet Başal, Ali Karakaş, Galip Kartal, Ceyhun Yükselir, Osman Solmaz, Şeyma Yeşil, Ali Dincer, Arif Bakla, Burcu Türkmen
- 9786051709345
- Anı Yayıncılık
- 2023
- İsmail ÇAKIR, Arif Bakla
- Eğitim
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- Altını Çizme, Not Alma, Seçili Alanları Vurgulama Özellikleri Sunulmaktadır
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