Aı-Enhanced Teaching And Evaluation: A Handbook For Higher Education

9786253658168 2024
Basılı Fiyatı:
150,00 TL
Bu kitabı kirala, %60 tasarruf et!
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  • DRM Koşulları
The primary aim of this handbook is to equip academic staff with a robust set of competencies that leverage AI chat tools to revolutionize teaching and assessment methodologies. Through comprehensive exploration and detailed guidance, it endeavors to provide educators with the insights and tools necessary to integrate AI seamlessly into their daily teaching practices. This includes an in-depth look at the types of AI chat tools available, their potential applications in educational settings, and the best practices for their implementation to ensure they are used ethically and effectively.

Bu kitap aşağıdaki Dijital Hak Yönetimi (DRM) Koşullarıyla belirlenen süre için kullanılabilmektedir:

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  • Altını Çizme, Not Alma, Seçili Alanları Vurgulama Özellikleri Sunulmaktadır
  • Sistem tarafından verilen kullanıcı numarası filigran olarak her sayfada görüntülenecektir
Aı-Enhanced Teaching And Evaluation:
A Handbook For Higher Education