Technology-Based Learning For Chemistry İn The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Integration Inquiry And Internet With Some Experimental Samples

1. Baskı
9786052414965 2019
Basılı Fiyatı:
204,00 TL
Bu kitabı kirala, %65 tasarruf et!
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  • DRM Koşulları
What are 21st century skills? Which of these skills do the students generally posses for chemistry learning? What are the technological tools related to chemistry learning? How to design web-based chemistry teaching and what are the requirements? What should be considered in technology-assisted chemistry teaching? How should the learning environment be in technology-assisted chemistry teaching? What are the opinions of teachers and students in technology-assisted chemistry teaching? How to apply collaborative learning to web-based chemistry teaching? In this book, we hope you may find answers to these questions. We think that this book can contribute to the literacy of technological applications in chemistry education for chemistry education researchers and teachers. And we hope that this study will shed light on chemistry education research and practice in order to provide better and more engaging chemistry instruction via technology.

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Technology-Based Learning For Chemistry İn The Fourth Industrial Revolution:
Integration Inquiry And Internet With Some Experimental Samples