Preparing Pre-Service Teachers For Emergent Bilinguals
1. Baskı
Basılı Fiyatı:
124,00 TL
- Özet
- Künye
- DRM Koşulları
The number of emergent bilinguals is raising in mainstream classrooms all around the world. This necessitates preparation of pre-service teachers, especially content area teachers, for learners coming from diverse backgrounds. This book aims to offer the key concepts of a course design with a community-based service-learning project for pre-service teachers who will have language learners in their classrooms. Although the book seems to be more suitable for teacher educators in language education departments, it can be used by other educators who are willing to develop long-term professional development activities for teachers and learners in any formal or informal educational institutions.
- Tuba Arabacı Atlamaz
- 9786258325959
- Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık
- 2022
- Eğitim Bilimleri
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- Altını Çizme, Not Alma, Seçili Alanları Vurgulama Özellikleri Sunulmaktadır
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